Treatment Solutions For Reducing Double Chins In Seniors

Achieving a more chiseled chin profile is within reach! Combining treatments to target excess fat and sagging skin can help you get your desired look. Chin liposuction is one of the most popular treatments to give you a stronger, more defined jawline and an overall more attractive appearance.

Seniors looking to slim down the chin area can turn to chin liposuction for amazing results! A cannula, a small tube, is inserted into the chin in various spots, and gentle suction removes small and precise amounts of fat from each area. Many people have been thrilled with the results of this procedure!

Seniors can regain a youthful appearance with treatments to reduce double chins, such as Liposuction and Submentoplasty.

Submentoplasty is a great option for seniors struggling with excess fat and sagging skin under the chin. This minimally invasive procedure requires only tiny incisions and liposuction in the affected area, with instant results. As an added bonus, Kybella, the FDA-approved injectable, is now available to help combat this common problem.

If you're looking for a way to get rid of your double chin, don't worry - there are plenty of options! Liposuction is great for removing stubborn fat, while a submentoplasty can help to firm up neck muscles and skin. A neck lift is always an option if you need more drastic measures. Discover more about the treatments, the outcomes, and the cost of feeling confident.

Source: Getty Images/ Darrin Klimek

Many Seniors are Opting for Liposuction to Slim Down Their Chin Areas

At your consultation, your surgeon will carefully evaluate your chin and neck, advising you on the best treatment option to help you achieve your desired results. If liposuction is the best option for you, your practitioner will take the following steps:

With meticulous precision, the areas for the cannula insertion are marked with a pen. To safeguard against any potential risk of infection, the skin is rigorously cleansed with an effective antiseptic solution. To ensure minimal discomfort, the surgeon may administer sedation or local anesthetic. After creating tiny incisions in the skin to accommodate the cannulas, the liposuction process begins as the cannula is moved in a back-and-forth or fanning motion to suction out the excess fat. Great care is taken to ensure a smooth and even facial contour. Finally, the region is bandaged with a chin strap for additional support during the healing process.

Average Price for Liposuction: $749 for the full chin area

A Neck Lift or Submentoplasty Might Be the Perfect Solution

Though it may seem intimidating, submentoplasty and neck lift surgery are relatively painless and minimally invasive procedures that can give long-lasting, impressive results. If you’re a senior who has noticed your double chin droop and is losing elasticity, these procedures may be the perfect way to rejuvenate your neck and jawline. The process only requires a few small incisions and, if necessary, the removal of excess skin – all of which can help you to regain a more youthful, refreshed appearance.

Your doctor will carefully mark your chin and neck with lines and arrows to identify the optimal approach. To ensure a comfortable experience, sedative IV medications or general anesthesia can be administered. The area is then prepped with an antiseptic solution before the incisions are made around the hairline and behind the ear. Excess fat and skin from the neck are then skillfully removed. For a more toned look, your doctor will tighten the neck muscles, the platysma. Finally, the incisions are expertly closed with sutures that heal quickly and are cleverly hidden by the hairline.

Average Price of Submentoplasty and Neck Lift: $1350 to $15,000.

Orange County Facial Plastic Surgery Is Pioneering Double Chin Treatment Through Kybella

Have you been unable to progress with diet and exercise to reduce your submental fat? Kybella could be the perfect solution for you! It contains an active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, which is injected as a solution and works to break down and absorb fat tissue; this can result in a visible reduction in the fullness beneath your chin.

Dr. Sepehr's expert application of Kybella ensures the injection is administered with utmost precision and care to the area of concern. The ultrafine needle makes the procedure comfortable and swift, usually lasting at least 20 minutes. You can go home and start experiencing the benefits of Kybella immediately! Most patients report minimal, if any, discomfort during the treatment.

A more defined chin and an attractive profile can be achieved with a combination of treatments designed to eliminate excess fat and tighten the skin in the neck area. Chin liposuction is a popular choice to get rid of that dreaded double chin and restore a firmer, more toned appearance.

Transform your body without invasive surgery or incisions! Their revolutionary procedure offers quick treatment times with minimal downtime and long-lasting, natural-looking fat reduction results. Experience a gradual transformation without the risks of surgery!

Average Price of Kybella: $550 -$1350

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