Only Available in Japan: Products We Wish Came to America

Japan is a destination that’s on a lot of people’s bucket lists, especially Americans. The folks were lucky enough to visit this massive country fall in love with it immediately. The interesting culture, combined with its unique style, makes Japan a truly magical place. In addition to its incredible food, philosophies, and politeness, Japan is known for its innovation and amazing products that are foreign to us Americans.

A bunch of Japanese products sitting on a table

Source: Pinterest

With technology advancement on a worldwide scale, it seems that most business endeavors have shifted to apps and digital marketing. With iPhones, people have the internet at their fingertips and don’t put much thought into anything else. Luckily, Japan’s creativity didn’t turn completely digital. They have some outstanding items that are seriously so creative. From smartphone toilet paper to Pringle flavored noodles, here are some remarkable items that are available in Japan.

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