Only Available in Japan: Products We Wish Came to America

Noodles That Taste Like Pringles

Okay, so the person who thought of this is definitely a genius. One of the most popular food products in Japanese culture is noodles. It would probably be difficult to find a restaurant or café in that gigantic country that doesn’t serve noodles. Well, get ready to have your mind blown when you see the noodles they sell in the grocery stores.

A green container of Pringles sour cream and onion ramen noodles with Japanese writing

Source: Pinterest

One delicious food item available in Japan is Pringle’s flavored noodles! That sounds incredible! We know Pringles is an American brand, but they teamed up with a local Japanese company to create these! Who else thinks they need to bring these yummy Pringle flavored noodles to America ASAP?!

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