The Anatomy of Illusion: Popular Magic Tricks Explained

Levitating Man – Anatomy of the Illusion

Two metal plates are hidden by the special clothes the magician is wearing, and by using a prop, they hide the platform that is present to the ground. Most of the time, they use a carpet. This means that the magician is actually just simply sitting on an elevated platform without any pain in the world while creating the illusion of grace.

Levitating Man – Anatomy of the Illusion

Source: Twitter

Random magic fact: back in the day, in 1956, a magician was performing the famous “cut a person in half” trick (which we’ll get to soon) using his wife for a televised performance. Immediately after she was “divided,” the host ended the magic show. People were terrified, thinking she had actually been killed, but time had simply run out on the broadcast. They were left hanging.

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