There’s Never Too Much to Say About Brad Pitt!

Nothing defines Brad Pitt more than his capability of capturing the masses with his character and his drop-dead gorgeous looks! From his boyish allure in 1987’s 21 Jump Street to the leather-clad Greek warrior in Troy you instantly gravitated toward his charm. With each character he played, Brad Pitt carved a niche for himself and is one of the most famous stars in Hollywood.

Photo by Gregg DeGuire/Getty Images

He catapulted to fame after his suave portrayal of wandering JD in Thelma & Louise in 1991 and there was no turning back. With each character he played, his fan base grew and his story has hence captivated us. However, the question of how much of Brad Pitt apart from his insatiable charm, handsome looks and relationships his fans really know is something of a dilemma. This article shines light on the journey of William Bradley Pitt to Brad Pitt and the most popular Hollywood star.

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