Caught You! Most Embarrassing Math Mistakes on the Internet

The internet is an unforgiving place. Any mistake you make, typos or otherwise, is available for the world to see. And you know what they say, once something is on the internet, it’s there forever. Even if you delete something, you can bet someone shared it, saved it, or screenshotted it first. We see it all the time, particularly when it comes to celebrities. However, even us regular folk can make an error online for everyone to laugh at.

Math themed conversation

Source: Imgur

That’s why you should be very careful and recheck your work before posting it online. But most people think they are smarter than the internet, and make embarrassing slipups. Everyone makes mistakes; it might be overconfidence, carelessness, or ignorance. Numbers are confusing, so math mistakes are almost always evident. Whether it’s a trick question or a simple addition problem, there are some of the funniest math errors on the internet.

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