The Funniest Notes Left for Bad Drivers

We’ve all encountered a few bad drivers in our time. Maybe they cut right past you on the roads, maybe they forget to use any kind of signal when turning at an intersection, or maybe they break the speed limit. Often, they’re awful parkers too, showing no respect for the rules, stealing other people’s spaces, and ignoring the lines that are supposed to guide them. Usually, these people get away with their bad parking jobs, but sometimes, good folks take the time to call them out.

A joke space is drawn in chalk around a badly parked car

Source: Pinterest

There have been some amazing and hilarious examples over the years of people leaving jokes, notes, and messages for awful parkers and bad drivers. We’ve gathered together some of our favorites to share with you, reminding us all of the importance to follow the rules and try to park as well as we can, in order for everyone to get along. Read on and enjoy!

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