Karma Really Came to Knock These People Down to Earth Again!

Confidence is one thing, but arrogance is something quite different. When you see arrogant people being given a quick knock back down to Earth, it can be quite amusing. Of course, we should never laugh at someone else’s misfortune, but some people just deserve it, right?

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When someone who is far above their station is knocked back down to where they’re supposed to be, it’s almost like karma had a helping hand in proceedings. It’s like the universe was muttering, “not today, my dear, not today!” and decided to show them just where they should be. Of course, watching all of this play out is quite amusing, whether we admit it at the time or not.

Let’s check out a few people who really did deserve karma to come and knock them off their pedestal. Perhaps from now, they’ll learn that humility is a far better asset than over-confidence, every single day of the week!

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