Terrible Movie Costume Mistakes Totally Ruined These Scenes

The Shaven Women of Schindler’s List

Schindler’s List is rightly regarded as one of the most moving and impactful films ever to be made about the Second World War and the dreadful atrocities suffered by people in Nazi concentration camps. A lot of attention to detail can be seen in the way the film is shot and edited, but there was one serious oversight that many hardcore fans noticed upon rewatching the film: the women are all seen with shaved legs and armpits.

Schindler's List (1993) Oliwia Dabrowska

Photo By Moviestore/Shutterstock

In reality, most people in concentration camps would not have been given razors and were barely even given the simplest essentials for general hygiene and well-being, so they wouldn’t have been able to shave themselves every day in this way. They would have had much more body hair.

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