Everything You Could Ever Want To Know About the 1974 Classic, Chinatown

A Film about Water

The story of Chinatown, as originally seen in the mind of Robert Towne, was inspired by the California Water Wars. These were a series of political conflicts that took place between the city of LA and various farms and ranchers in the nearby Owens Valley. As the city of LA was expanding in the 19th century, it was becoming too big to cope with its existing water supply.

Jack Nicholson (L) and director Roman Polanski

Jack Nicholson (L) and director Roman Polanski (2nd from L, back to camera) prepare for a take during the production of ‘Chinatown’ in Los Angeles on November 24, 1973. Photo By Fairchild Archive/Penske Media/Shutterstock

It needed more water, and the mayor at the time thought he could make an aqueduct to take water from the Owens Valley. Farmers and ranchers in the area resisted, but the mayor eventually got his way, with a lot of political tricks, lies, and deceit allegedly involved in the story. For Robert Towne, it was a great foundation for a film.

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