Kitchen Appliances You Think You Need (But Really Don’t)

Food Dehydrators

The wellness and conscious eating culture have taken the world by storm in recent years. So, it’s no surprise that more and more people are trying to make their own versions of classic store-bought items. They’ve switched out greasy potato chips for dried fruit and veggie chips. Some people have even taken things a step further and have made their own, healthier version of beef jerky.

Food Dehydrator

Source: Amazon

While dehydrating food is a great way to add some healthier options into your diet, it’s not the best kitchen appliance. For those who aren’t familiar, a food dehydrator is one big machine (even if you opt to buy the smallest version the market has to offer). You most likely won’t be using your food dehydrator every day or even every week for that matter. It’s definitely not worth your precious counter space, especially when you can use your own oven.

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